Thanksgiving is such a glorious time of year. The food. The football. The crisp, cool autumn weather. Families gather around the table and celebrate the great successes of the year and the bounty of the earth. A lazy afternoon is spent in front of the television or napping off the sleeping affects of the turkey. Leftovers are put away and the day is concluded with some much-anticipated pumpkin pie (whipped cream optional). It is, without a doubt the most American of our holidays. Wholesome, simple, and traditional.

Then Friday comes.

Suddenly, those family moments are traded in for wild shopping for the best deals of the year. Rising earlier than the sun, folks rush to stores to purchase their Christmas loot, searching for a great price for that perfect gift. It is madness. And most of the money spent goes to large corporations who can afford to cut prices at alarming rates. But what if Thanksgiving weekend looked a little different? What if instead of running to WalMart or Target or any of the other huge corporations, you drove to a local festival and bought genuinely unique items from real people and followed it up with a great show?


Thingamajig Theatre Company is excited to host their Second Annual Artisan’s Black Friday (And Saturday!) on November 27 & 28. Boasting some of Pagosa’s most creative and skilled artisans’ work, Christmas Gifts are a breeze. Each vendor is present, providing an intimate look into exactly what a customer is purchasing, how it was conceived, and who made it. Sounds a little better than trampling folks for a television, doesn’t it? Artisan’s Black Friday not only opens the door for local artists to present their work, it also connects the folks living right here in Pagosa with the most local art available. Support your local Center for the Arts by shopping with the Artisans as well as the gift shop located in the Center.


Unique to Pagosa Springs, this event reflects the importance the residents of this fair town place on art, and Thingamajig is proud to not only host it, but to provide a sneak peek of the upcoming production of White Christmas as a nice holiday treat. The performances will take place on Friday and Saturday at 2 PM and feature the cast of the spectacular play opening the following weekend.