Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, ‘A Walk in the Woods’ is an imagined version of real events with hints of the humor characteristic of playwright Lee Blessing’s work.

Between 1981 and 1984, American Paul Nitze and Russian Yuli Kvitsinsky met in the mountains along the Swiss and French border for unofficial negotiations to limit the nuclear weapons arsenals in the United States and the Soviet Union. What followed was a political and diplomatic back-and-forth as both countries attempted to save face and emerge as dominant.

Blessing’s two-man play is a sharp, engaging look at what might have transpired during those secret meetings in the woods.

Buy tickets here.

In addition to ‘A Walk in the Woods’, two other classic shows will fill out the winter season at PSCA.  ‘All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce’ by Peter Rothstein, playing December 12 – 28, and ‘The Odd Couple (Female Version)’ by Neil Simon, running February 28 – March 15, 2025.

For more information, please contact the box office at (970) 731-SHOW